Cataract Laser Surgery Questions Answered

Cataracts are an unfortunate problem that millions of people experience over the course of their lives. Sadly, if this condition is not treated, it can result in a severe decrease in your visual acuity. Luckily, there are numerous surgical procedures available to treat patients suffering from cataracts. In particular, laser surgery has emerged as a popular option for those seeking relief from cataracts, but you may have a couple of questions you need answered before deciding on this type of laser surgery. 

How Long Is The Recovery?

Any surgical procedure will have some type of recovery period following it. Luckily, the recovery period for surgical cataract removal is relatively minor and short. Most patients will only experience a slight discomfort in their eyes following this procedure. Usually, this discomfort will pass within a few days of the surgery; the eye doctor may prescribe numbing eye drops to help manage this discomfort. 

In addition to this physical discomfort, it is not unusual for patients to experience increased light sensitivity following this surgery. This will pass after a few days as well, but it may be very uncomfortable during the first day. To minimize this problem, your eye doctor may give you an eye patch to help shield the recovering eye from intense lights. 

How Do You Pay For This Surgery?

Medical procedures can be remarkably expensive to undergo, and this is no different with cataract surgery. However, sight is a priceless sense, and it should be no surprise that most people will do everything in their power to pay for this procedure. Luckily, you may not have to pay the full cost of this type of surgery. 

Most insurance plans will cover cataract surgery, provided the cataracts cause significant degradation of the patient's vision. To prove this type of degradation, you may need to get a referral from your normal doctor. These professionals can provide the insurance company with the forms needed to verify that you meet the criteria for this treatment being covered. Considering that cataracts are a progressive disease, there is a chance that you might meet these requirements during your first visit, but if you regularly receive an eye exam, your doctor will be able to tell you when you should attempt to file a claim again. 

There are many eye diseases that have the power to rob you of your vision, and cataracts are a particularly common problem that many people will battle. By understanding the answers to these common laser cataract surgery questions, you will be better able to determine whether this procedure is right for you. If you have more questions, consult experts like
